Vitaz Food & Beverages Pvt Ltd


About Company

Manufacturer Instant Drink Powders, Food Essences & Colors
Registered In - India
Company Team Size - 100
Certification - ISO 22000-2005
Operational Address
Gireesh SP Jaggii
E-162, Sector 26, Electronic Estate, GIDC,
Gandhinagar, Gujarat, 382026
T: 9811440289
Corporate Address
Gireesh SP Jaggii
E-162, Sector 26, Electronic Estate, GIDC,
Gandhinagar, Gujarat, 382026
T: 9811440289


Manufacturers & exporters of Instant Drink Powders, Liquid Food Essence, Liquid Food Colors, Powder Food Colors, Hard Candy & Toffees. Started operations in May 2012 and today we are exporting our products to over 18 countries (in our brand & Private Label) & have also launched it India. We are an ISO 22000-2005 certified manufacturing facility & are registered with US FDA.

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Supplier Info

Gireesh SP Jaggii

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