Product related FAQs

How can I compare products?
NothingFromChina allows you to compare a maximum of 4 products at a time. When you hover over a product in catalog or search, you will be able to see four options/icons: add to cart, quick view, add to wishlist and add to compare. After clicking on ‘add to compare’, you can then access the items added by going to My Account -> Compare Products.

How do I buy a product on NothingFromChina?
Click the ‘Add to Cart’ Button on a product page. On doing so, an instance of your cart will open up on the left side of your page. Click on the checkout button to proceed to checkout. Make sure to enter necessary details like address and payment methods. After doing so, you can click the ‘Place Order’ button to complete the purchase of the product.

How do I add a product to my wishlist?
NothingFromChina allows you to add products to your wishlist. When you hover over a product in catalog or search, you will be able to see three options/icons: add to wishlist, add to cart, and add to compare. After clicking on ‘add to wishlist’, you can then access the items added by clicking on the heart shaped button on the top right of your page, right beside the search bar. You can also click on the heart button available on the product page in order to add it to your wishlist.

How do I leave feedback for a product?
After you buy a product, you will be able to see the add a review option. You can leave a review for the products you have bought and you can also leave a rating for the price, value and quality of the product.

Can a guest user buy products?
No, in order to buy products on NothingFromChina you need to have a verified account on NothingFromChina.

How do I add a Product as a Supplier?
In order to learn the process of adding a product as a supplier in detail, please refer to the 'Add Product as a Supplier' section at NothingFromChina’s Learning Centre.

How do I edit information (stock, description, images etc) of an existing product?
Log in to your NothingFromChina Supplier account and access the Supplier Dashboard from the NothingFromChina homepage. On the Supplier Dashboard, click on “Product” and then on “My Products List”. Over there you will see the list of products you have added. Click on the pen icon (available on the right side of the product listing) corresponding to the product you wish to edit.

Are there any mandatory attributes while mass uploading products?
Yes, while uploading your product (as a Supplier), there are a few attributes which are mandatory to enter which are listed below:
Product Name, SKU, Description and Item Type.